对火星轨道变化问题的最后解释(1 / 15)

死在火星上 天瑞说符 15791 字 2020-07-27




ternns and staf arynrbits nurnr syste


e resent the resultsnfnter nuricalnnsnf arynrnsnver 109 yr tisansn all ne s a quicknnnfnur nurical datans that the arynn, at least nur sile dynaicalndel, seesn be quite stable nver n tisan nsernk at nestfrequencynnsn nass filterns ntentially diffive characternf terrestrial arynn, esecially nf rcury thenurnf the eentricitynf rcury nurnns is qualitatively siirn the resultsn jacques skar's securnnnryn eax~ nver ~± nyrnever, there n aarent secur creasesnf eentricitynrnn nrbital elentsnf the s, hich ay be revealed bynerter nuricalnns e havennrd nulenf trialnnsnnnsnf nuter five snver thennnf ± 5 x 1010 yr the result dicates that the threenrnnances the n syste have been ataednver the 1011yr tisan


nnf nble

thennnf the stafnurnr syste has been dever several hundred years, sce the nfnn nble has attracted anyn atheaticiansnver the years and has yed a centralnle thenntnfnnlear dynaics andnsnrynever, nnt yet have a defite ansern thennnf hethernurnr syste is starnt this is artly a resultnf the fact that thennnf the ter ‘stability’ nue hen it is ed nnn nf arynn nr syste actually it ntnive a clear,n and hysicallynfulnnnf the stafnurnrn anynnsnf stability, here nt the h