“we go, because we have to.(我们前进,因为我们必须前进)”
“The world is not a fairy tale, no one will pity a coward, don't forget your original intention, don't forget that night, you should be engraved on your heart(这个世界不是童话,没有人会怜悯一个懦夫,别忘记你的初衷,别忘记那个夜晚,你应该将其刻骨铭心。)”青铜脸告诉他,教导他,指引他,他已经走在了自己选择的独木桥上,再无回头的可能。
“You know, the closer you get, the worse it gets, the better it is to leave the girl, who, of course, is probably dead by now.(你知道的,与你靠的越近,就越是不幸,选择离开那个女孩才是最好的选择,当然,现在,她可能已经死了。)”黄铜脸告诉王昕博,他们见证的悲剧难道还少了吗?
“All I did was tell the truth. You can only go your own way(我只不过是说出了实话,你只能禹禹独行。)”
“Sulking won't do what you want to do, but if you want to beat the monster, get revenge, and protect the girl, then keep making yourself stronger.(一味地生闷气可干不成自己想要做的事,如果你想打败那个怪物,既要复仇,又想要保护那个女孩,那就不断的让自己变强。)”黄铜脸下降了一点高度,到了可以跟王昕博直视的高度。
“I've told you many times that you can do more with less with my power, that human flesh has its limits, and you know better than anyone that you can take out a dozen armed men, but you can't dodge bullets, only my power can.(我告诉过你很多次,使用我的力量可以事半功倍,人类的肉体拥有极限,你比任何人都清楚,你可以干掉十几个持械歹徒,但你躲不过子弹,只有我的力量可以。)”黄铜脸越变越小,最后跟王昕博的脸差不多大。
“Don't let your pathetic self-respect limit you, you're just a mon person, you're only a p